Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hilary for president?

As I continue reading the likely hood of the next president of the United States being a female and specifically with the popularity of Hilary Clinton as a strong prospect I can only begin to imagine the possible impacts this nomination or even possible presidency could make on the state of the borders within and at distinct points of border.,9565,1059000,00.html

The Unknown Border: Underground Railroad

The ultimate goal of the underground railroad was to usher slaves from the southern states to the north and even into Canada where they most likely could not be extradited. The main points of crossing for slaves were at the Detroit and Niagra Rivers, making the Detroit/Windsor border somewhat transparent in that African Americans could cross the border without any kind of officiality but also a significant milestone in their journey because they were essentially free once in Canada.

I'm on my way to Canada
That cold and distant land
The dire effects of slavery
I can no longer stand -Farewell, old master.
Don't come after me.
I'm on my way to Canada
Where coloured men are free.

By the Numbers
Anybody looking for trucking stats on the crossings at borders this site has lots of figures.

border disputes between canada and US

These are still the current land and border disputes.


lots on wikipedia:
ambassador bridge
detroit-windsor tunnel
disputed areas between US and Canada
illegal immigration to the United States
list of Canada-related topics

Michigan is trashy

This article expresses everyones concern about how much trash crosses the borders from Canada to the US daily.

"Border Information Flow Architecture"

U.S. hospitals become a magnet for Canadian Nurses

" It takes about 20 minutes to drive from the LaSalle-Windsor area in Ontario, Canada, to Detroit. As soon as Windsor resident Sylvie Matté, RN, starts her new job at a Detroit hospital this month, she will join almost 3,000 Michigan-licensed nurses who call Canada home
'A lot of people feel ashamed that you have to go to the States," Matté said. "But I feel good [about what I’m doing]. I feel like I don’t owe anything to my country.' "

The Tunnel's Webpage

did you know "The Detroit-Windsor Tunnel is the only vehicular international subaqueous border crossing in the world."
site tabs include:
toll rates, traffic, links, customs and immigration, credit application, duty-free shopping, the past and future, tunnel bus, NEXPRESS, tokens by mail, and careers.

Too American?

Is Canada losing it's national identity with the Americanization of it's culture. This is a lecture series investigating the risults of the Free Trade Aggrement among other issues of border relevence.

Borders, prisoners, torture…

Why was Guantanamo chosen to house detainees?

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba was the "least worst place" to send the Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters picked up on the battlefield in Afghanistan. The administration wanted to move the detainees out of the war theater to a secure location for questioning as quickly as possible. Guantanamo had the dual advantage of being controlled by the United States, yet not on domestic soil. The president's advisers believed a facility within the United States could become a terrorist target. They also didn't want the federal courts to interfere with their management of the prison, or take up due-process challenges from the detainees.

The remote island of Guantanamo, called "Gitmo" by the generations of marines who served there, had a long and bizarre history: The oldest American base outside the continental U.S., Gitmo is also the only base to sit on the soil of a country that maintains no diplomatic relations with the United States.

"We thought the fact that Guantanamo was outside the territory of the United States would eliminate an important legal ambiguity," says Bradford Berenson, associate White House counsel from 2001 to 2003. "As it turns out, we were wrong."

In June 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in Rasul v. Bush that Guantanamo detainees have the right to challenge their detentions in federal court. To date, 100 habeas corpus petitions have been filed on behalf of 225 detainees.

Building a North American Community

This article covers a wide range of issues facing the North American countries, using the European Union as a reference of measure. Many political issues covered here.
The global elite, through the direct operations of President George Bush and his Administration, are creating a North American Union that will combine Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a superstate called the North American Union. There is no legislation or Congressional oversight, much less public support, for this massive restructuring of the U.S

some facts about windsor

This is just an encyclopedia article about windsor, but it breaks up into lots of different catagories.. but the following section on Transportation was pretty interesting... (especially the second & third paragraphs)

A current issue in Windsor is traffic around the Ambassador Bridge. The number of vehicles crossing the bridge has doubled in the past fifteen years and, since the September 11, 2001 attacks, travelling through customs on the U.S. side takes much longer. The only way to access the bridge or tunnel is from two municipal roads: Huron Church Road (Bridge) and Wyandotte Street(Tunnel). A large portion of the traffic is 18-wheeler trucks. There have been at times a wall of trucks up to eight kilometres (five miles) long on Huron Church Road. This road cuts through the west end of the city and the trucks are the source of many complaints about noise, pollution and pedestrian hazards. While in a very good state of repair, it had the distinction of being number 17 on a list of Canada's worst roads.
Windsor paid world famous traffic consultant Sam Schwartz to produce a proposal for a solution to this traffic problem. The city councillors have overwhelmingly endorsed the proposal and it was presented to the federal government as the solution that the city officially approves. Unfortunately, not all of the surrounding residents support the plan the city paid for. The problem with the plan is that the proposed roadway would cut through protected green space such as Ojibway Park. The federal government wasn't expecting the city to be able to agree upon a proposal of any sort and are now pushing for short term, cheaper solutions.
On November 14, 2005, the joint Canadian-American committee studying the options for expanding the border crossing announced that its preferred option was to directly extend Highway 401 westward, using a new bridge or tunnel to cross the Detroit River and interchange with Interstate 75 somewhere between the existing Ambassador Bridge span and Wyandotte. The exact route of this new highway connection has not yet been determined. [3]