Friday, January 19, 2007

Canadian Waste- Personalized

WASTE KNOT: Too dirty for Canada, Canflow dumps in Detroit sewers. (2-20-2002)

"An acrid breeze rustles scattered trash and trees along Greendale Street on Detroit’s north side. It’s a sunny day, July 25, and Willie Bell Gouch relaxes while watching her grandsons play.
And then it comes. Without warning, a putrid stench rushes into Gouch’s home. As the waste-disposal plant down the street dumps thousands of gallons of industrial wastewater trucked from Canada directly into the sewer system, black oily muck and metal-laced water flood Gouch’s basement and gurgle into sinks, bathtubs and toilets throughout the neighborhood..."

read the rest

1 comment:

Jason said...

"State officials randomly check trucks coming through customs. In 2000, 17,105 tons of hazardous waste came into Michigan from Canada, while 60,112 tons left Michigan for disposal in Canada, according to DEQ. Statistics on nonhazardous waste were not available."

Is there a reason why there is a need to trade waste? Why can't each side dump its own...

I also checked out the Columbia projects in Anca's post, definitely intimidating or maybe it's coz it's late.

OK that is all I will go to sleep now